Depression Protocol

Take care of the other creatures in my house

In my case, fill dog’s food and water bowls, let her outside

Drink Coffee

Or tea or something delicious that gets you out of bed

Sit in the shower

Sometimes cold water helps with inflammation, or even just a quick jolt, but hot water helps soothe for the most part. And I definitely take my homemade latte in the shower with me. I mean, people have shower beer, so why not shower latte?? COFFEE DRINKERS UNITE.

Brush your hair

This goes along with the shower. One big thing about helping support ourselves through depression is taking care of our physical body when we don’t want to. Or if you have dreadlocks or some other hairstyle that isn’t conducive to brushing, do one thing that cares for your hair.

Put on CLEAN clothes

I can’t tell you how much of a difference this makes.

Fill up Water Bottle

Hydration helps clear the mind, if it’s filtered, even better!

Fill essential oil diffusers

I used to light candles 24/7 and then did some research. For those who have hard core depression, or even light core depression, fake fragrances increase depression symptoms.

Pick a hobby to focus on for 20 minutes

Or if that’s too many minutes, try 10 or even 5. Put on a timer. What makes you feel passionate on a good mental day? What makes you feel alive? If you don’t know yet, that’s ok. Take your time and explore the next time you have a good mental day. Lots of experimenting.

Sit in direct sunshine for 20 minutes

Or get one of those light things. I am fortunate enough to live in a place with direct sunlight on most days, so I get the benefit of free light!

Sit in fresh air for 20 minutes

It may be the dead of winter, but you always have the option to bundle yourself up and go outside for even a few minutes. The cold air might even help wake you up!

Eat a breakfast that has protein, fat, carbs

I know you may not be hungry and food may look gross right now, but it will help kick the bod into gear to digest food. And if you are able to eat whole foods instead of processed, even better. This is part of nurturing your body, which in turn, helps your mind.

Take pills

Anxiety meds, Depression meds, supplements. Even if you feel like you don’t deserve to feel better or you don’t think they are working, take them today anyway. The next good mental day you can always go to the doctor and see if there are better meds that can help you. Don’t stop taking them on a bad day because you have a bad day.

Put on happy music

Aka Mamma Mia or The Paper Kites. Music has such an impact on the brain without us consciously acknowledging that. What makes you want to dance? What makes you want to sing along?

Move the bod!                                                                                  

What kind of movement do you like to do? Is it a walk outside in the fresh air? Is it some stretching or yoga/breathwork? Is it dancing around the house to that happy music you turned on? Pushups? Squats? You pick. What is the easiest movement you can do in this moment?


I hesitate to put this on the list since this is definitely a hit or miss. Sometimes, dumping out all of your feelings and thoughts about how you are feeling in that moment is therapeutic. Sometimes, all it does is get you more entrenched inside your head. I usually save this one for when I’m feeling a wee bit more loosey goosey.


Pick a Depression based meditation. Thanks to the internet, all you have to do is go to YouTube and Presto! So many options to choose from! Sit with your legs up against the wall with your back flat on the floor. This helps with blood flow and bonus, you’re still lying down! Hearing someone else’s voice leading you through thoughts and focusing on your body enables release and forces focus on something else other than our depression.